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Keira Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Main Attributes Details
Position: Middle Lane Fighter
Role: Marksman Assassin
Glyph Class: Marksman
Primary Stat: Agility
Faction: Eternity
How to obtain: Events, Heroic Chest, Campaign
Tier List 2024 Rank
Hero Overall Tier List: A+
Hydra Tier List: B

Comprehensive Guide: How to Utilize Keira in Hero Wars Alliance

Keira is a powerful heroine in Hero Wars Alliance, capable of dealing significant damage on the battlefield when used correctly. With versatile abilities and the ability to synergize with different heroes and factions, Keira is a popular choice for high-level teams. In this guide, we'll explore how to make the most of Keira's potential, including her ideal combinations, team strategies, and usage tips.

Introduction to Keira

Keira is an agile assassin who stands out for her ultimate ability, Over-Power, capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to enemies. Her effectiveness is even greater when combined with heroes that grant critical damage bonuses to the team. With the recent adjustment to her fourth ability and the introduction of a new physical damage skin, Keira has become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Powerful Combos

1. Fafnir and Keira

A classic combo, Fafnir provides protection to Keira through his shield, making her more resilient and able to survive longer on the battlefield. This is especially useful when facing enemy teams with high damage potential.

2. Jet and Keira

Jet is a valuable ally for Keira, as his abilities add critical damage to Keira's skills, thus increasing her damage potential. This combination makes Keira even deadlier, especially in direct confrontations.

3. Dorian, Fafnir, and Keira

This combo offers both protection and sustain to Keira. While Fafnir provides the protective shield, Dorian offers vampirism to the team, allowing Keira to heal herself while dealing damage to enemies. It's a highly effective combination in prolonged battles of attrition.

4. Eternity Faction Allies

Keira benefits greatly from being used with allies from the Eternity Faction, such as Morrigan and Corvus. Their synergies further increase Keira's damage and survival potential, making her a formidable choice for Chaos faction-focused teams.

Usage Strategies

Positioning: Strategically position Keira on the battlefield, preferably behind tanks or more resilient heroes. This helps protect her from enemy attacks while she deals long-range damage.

Timing of Ultimate Ability: Keira's ultimate ability, Over-Power, is crucial for dealing massive amounts of damage. Wait for the right moment to activate it, ideally when enemies are grouped together or when a crucial enemy hero is unprotected.

Utilize Synergies: Maximize Keira's potential by leveraging synergies with other heroes on your team. Heroes that grant critical damage buffs, protection, or healing can significantly increase her effectiveness on the battlefield.

Counter-Attack: Keira is most effective when used as part of an aggressive strategy. Use her to counter-attack and eliminate vulnerable enemy heroes, dealing as much damage as possible before they have a chance to react.

Keira's Abilities Guide in Hero Wars Alliance

1st Ability: Blade Whirlwind

Hit Damage:

  • Maximum (25181): The maximum damage caused by the ability.
  • Formula: 30% of Physical Attack + (50 * Skill Level).

This ability is the cornerstone of Keira's arsenal, allowing her to deal significant damage to her enemies with a whirlwind of sharp blades.

2nd Ability: Soul Piercer

Attack and Skill Speed Increase:

  • Maximum (290%): The maximum increase in attack and skill speed.
  • Formula: (Skill Level + 170).

This ability grants Keira an additional boost in her attack and skill speed, making her a formidable force on the battlefield. It's important to note that this ability functions as a buff, temporarily enhancing Keira's capabilities.

3rd Ability: Dancing Blades

Ricochet Chance:

  • Reduced Chance if Target Level is Above:
    • Maximum (120): The maximum level the target can have to reduce ricochet chance.
    • Formula: (Skill Level + 20).

This ability grants Keira the ability to make her blades ricochet between enemies, dealing additional damage. However, the effectiveness of this ricochet is reduced if the target's level is much higher compared to Keira's skill level.

4th Ability: Piercing Pain

Extra Damage:

  • Maximum (18591): The maximum extra damage caused by the ability.
  • Formula: 15% of Physical Attack + (75 * (Skill Level + 40)).

This ability allows Keira to inflict extra damage on her enemies, adding an additional layer of destruction to her arsenal. It's a crucial ability for overcoming resilient enemies and ensuring victory.

Keira's Talisman Guide

With the talisman, Keira receives an increase in her Agility stat, receiving more Physical Attack and Armor. At the maximum level, it will increase physical attack by +18,000 points, and another 2,000 points of armor, adding up to a total of 17,449 points of protection against armor penetration, reducing the enemies' physical attack damage, so it will become quite strong.

With the talisman's physical attack bonus, Keira will be able to do more physical damage to enemies, and it will certainly be difficult to stop her when she launches her whirlwind of blades at the enemy team.

Talisman of Loyalty Attributes
Slot Statistics Maximum Points
0 Agility +2000
1 Physical Attack +4400
2 Physical Attack +4400
3 Physical Attack +4400

Keira Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • High damage (Ultimate Over Power)
  • It has a lot of speed
  • Pure Damage in passive skill

Negative Points

  • Weak against stun and control
  • Can interrupt her ultimate if she takes damage at the start of the cast.
  • Weak against Altar of Corvus.
  • Very weak against Over Power mage teams
  • Depends on other heroes for critical damage

Keira Stats Evolution Priority

Glyphs Priority

In Keira's glyphs, level up armor penetration first to deal more damage. Then, prioritize health to survive, especially against Corvus' altar. Then physical attack and agility to increase damage in skills, and finally armor.

Priorities Glyphs
1st Armor Penetration
2nd Health
3rd Physical Attack
4th Agility
5th Armor

Artifacts Priority

In artifacts, the priority is the book because Keira gains more armor penetration, and she needs a lot of armor penetration to cause a lot of damage. Then climb the ring to gain agility which will increase your physical attack points and armor. Lastly leveling up Keira's weapon artifact because it increases the physical attack of Keira and her allies.

Priorities Artifacts
1st Book
2nd Ring
3rd Weapon (Physical attack)

Skins Priority

In Keira's skins, start by leveling up armor penetration, then the super skin, because it increases physical attack and is worth two skins. Third: physical attack, and fourth agility to gain more physical attack and armor.

Lastly, level up the magical defense skin, Keira is powerful against wizard teams with this skin, especially if combined with Fafnir's shield, it allows her to survive Satori's attack, gaining energy and launching her Ultimate at enemies.

Priorities Skins
1st Armor Penetration
2nd Physical Attack (Super skin)
3rd Physical Attack
4th Agility
5th Armor
6th Magic Defense
Keira with Super Skin in Hero Wars Mobile
Keira with Super Skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Keira vs Hydra

Keira isn't a great hero against hydras, but Keira can do decent damage.

  • Keira Team Suggestion for all Hydras:Fafnir, Keira, Morrigan, Julius, Corvus (Damage: 3M to 8M)

Keira in Battles

Strong Against

  • Martha - Cornelius - Phobos - Celeste - Jhu - Ginger - K'arkh


  • Lian - Combo(Orion - Helios - Jorgen ) - Corvus - Xe'sha - Fafnir - Dante - Jorgen - Amira - Satori - Aurora - Daredevil

Keira Best Teams in Hero Wars Alliance

Keira is a versatile and powerful hero in Hero Wars Alliance, capable of dealing significant damage when paired with the right heroes. Below are some of the best Keira team combinations that include Keira, highlighting their synergies and effective usage strategies:

1. Fafnir, Judge, Keira, Julius, Corvus

This team combines the protection of Fafnir and Julius with Keira's explosive damage, complemented by Judge's control and Corvus's support.

2. Fafnir, Judge, Keira, Julius, Astaroth

The addition of Astaroth offers an additional layer of defense and crowd control, while Judge and Julius help divert enemies' attention.

3. Fafnir, Cornelius, Morrigan, Keira, Corvus

This team focuses on boosting Keira's defense with the help of Morrigan, Cornelius, and Fafnir, while Corvus provides support and control.

4. Fafnir, Dorian, Keira, Qing Mao, Andvari

The combination of Dorian's healing, along with Fafnir and Andvari's defense, allows Keira and Qing Mao to wreak havoc while staying sustained.

5. Fafnir, Dorian, Keira, Andvari, Corvus

This team combines the resilience of Fafnir and Andvari with Dorian and Corvus's support, allowing Keira to deal consistent damage while receiving protection and healing.

6. Jet, Sebastian, Morrigan, Keira, Corvus

Jet and Sebastian increase Keira's critical damage, while Morrigan and Corvus provide additional support and control for the team.

7. Jet, Sebastian, Keira, Andvari, Astaroth

This formation prioritizes defense with Astaroth and Andvari, while Jet and Sebastian increase Keira's critical damage, making her an even greater threat.

8. Phobos, Faceless, Morrigan, Keira, Corvus

This formation focuses on confusing and controlling enemies with Phobos and Faceless, while Morrigan and Corvus increase Keira's damage.

Experiment with different combinations and adapt them according to the challenges faced on the battlefield. Remember to adjust your strategy as needed to maximize Keira and your team's potential.

Final Thoughts on Keira's Guide

Despite changes in the game and the introduction of new heroes, Keira remains a popular and powerful choice for high-level teams. With the right combinations and a well-planned strategy, she can become an unstoppable force on the battlefield, capable of easily dominating her enemies.

Do not underestimate the power of Keira and her synergies. Experiment with different combinations and strategies to discover what works best for your playstyle and team. With dedication and practice, you'll unlock the full potential of this formidable assassin in Hero Wars Alliance.

Always remember to stay updated with changes in the game and to adapt your strategy as needed to face new challenges and opponents. With determination and skill, you can lead your team to victory with Keira by your side.

Video suggestion

Video: Keira Guide.

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